Sonja Busch

Sonja is GTT Europe Coordinator and Founder of the European Association for Holotropic Breathwork. She works in private practice as Bowen Body Therapist and Clinical Supervisor. Specialised in trauma healing she has a broad background in working in the areas of gender based violence, trafficking in persons, sexual abuse, unaccompanied minor refugees, street children etc. in Austria and abroad, especially in (post-) conflict countries.

Her educational background is in Bowen Body Therapy, master studies in clinical supervision, coaching and organisational development as well as a master degree in political science and sociology. She lectures at universities and universities of applied science in Austria and abroad and also facilitates conferences and workshops.

Sonja regularly organises HB workshops in Austria and has been facilitating in Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. Currently, she is exploring as certified SoulCollage® Facilitator the potentials of this beautiful technique to support people in integrating experiences in extraordinary states of consciousness. 

Trauma compromises our ability to engage with others by replacing patterns of connection with patterns of protection.
— Stephen Porges