
  • Perhaps the best part is when I meet my best self. Even my hidden reserves come to the surface, and I find strength, openness, and acceptance within myself. My sense of freedom grows, and the pressure lessens. I won't slide back to the baseline anymore.

    — Márta
  • During the Holotropic Breathwork workshop, we received such a level of loving and non-judgmental attention from the facilitators that it completely changed my perception of what attention can mean.

    — Csaba
  • Holotropic chance
    It's frightening what my body remembers when my mind takes the backseat...
    frozen loneliness, powerlessness, anger, and fear of death toss me like
    a tiny boat in a stormy sea...
    Only my faith holds me, and the knowledge that: the bad things aren't happening now,
    what is here: is just a trace of memory, made indigestible by pain,
    and now my soul-body expels it.
    I relive a fragment of what happened to me, and I can regain the frozen energy, a part of my true self.
    When it is mine again, my inner staircase is built, not the path that endlessly repeats itself.

    — Zoltán, family therapist
  • Every time I think about the double Holotropic weekend, I am filled with a deep sense of gratitude, calm, and belonging. Warmth fills my chest and limbs. I feel heavy, something tightens within me, yet at the same time, I experience relief and a sense of arrival. I am starting to come home. Yes, I am alive!! And it feels so good to be alive! During this weekend, I managed to gently, yet profoundly, dive into deep layers within myself. A deep transformation began—or rather, unfolded—while I remained emotionally present throughout, constantly learning—thanks to the meticulously designed method and the uniquely sensitive, big-hearted facilitators—how to treat myself gently, humbly, cautiously, patiently. I learned when and in what to be brave, when to dive in headfirst, and where to find a place to rest. How to recognize what the present moment calls for, who I am, and what wishes to be expressed through me at that moment. To find this out, there is only one way: to stop, quiet down, and observe. Sometimes the time for action comes: for breathing, movement, or sound. So that my body can find relief, so fear, pain, tension, uncertainty—or even overwhelming joy and happiness—can be released. Then perhaps a new rest, a new quietness, a new state, and new insights will come. But at any time, there may be a need to express something again—to myself or to others—so that I can remain true to myself and come closer to my own truth, to the truth of the moment.
    For me, this is an experience and discovery of enormous significance, one that continues to integrate. And none of this could have happened without the careful presence, full attention, and pure intention of the facilitators, who attuned to our well-being. In addition to possessing extraordinary expertise and experience, they are humble, modest, and genuinely caring toward the participants. (In my experience, this combination is a rare treasure in the helping profession!) All these experiences were deeply moving for me, disarming, and in that open, vulnerable state, they reached a part of me that is difficult to approach or tame. It heard and felt: it’s possible. There is such attention, there is such intimacy. That someone is watching, is there, sees me, and still remains present, and it really matters to them how I am, what is happening inside me. And there is time to arrive, there is time to fall apart, there is space for searching, and in fact, everything is okay! I believe I have never received this message in such an authentic way anywhere else, and it has never resonated with me so deeply, even on a bodily level.
    I am proud to have joined this team; my search has led me to this environment where I felt so safe, seen, understood, and accepted. I highly recommend this to anyone who wants to heal in a community with heartfelt attention and care using a wonderfully simple method.

    — Gabi, psychologist
  • Thank you so much for these wonderful days. It was eye-opening. I had a hunch, I trusted it, I was quite scared (mostly of my own failure to integrate), but it turned out great (as I hopefully expressed during the closing), and for that, I owe it to you all. To Csaba for giving a push to my flickering motivation, to Balázs for the professional, thought-provoking opening lecture and objectivity, groundedness, and to Minh Tu for the kind, supportive presence and the mind-expanding primary thoughts, helping me surrender myself to myself. I fondly recall the shared moments with you and the team (which is quite unusual for me, I'm still getting used to it, as I thought I was much more burned out).

    — Barnabás
  • In the past four days, I participated in a double Holotropic Breathwork workshop, which provided a deep and transformative experience. During the workshop, the facilitators' sensitive, compassionate, and supportive presence played a particularly important role in the experience. They helped participants not only with their expertise but also with their personal experience with the method. This made the workshop truly special and effective. They ensured that every participant felt safe and supported during the process, allowing the process to unfold. Their sensitivity and empathy helped participants to surrender to the experience and open up to the inner journey. The method—despite its simplicity—was astonishing. Through the breathwork, one can experience such deep expansion of consciousness and inner transformation that is hard to put into words. During the integration sessions, participants receive tools and suggestions for transferring their experiences into everyday life.

    — László
  • I would like to thank you once again for these four days, the breathing, the meditations. The accommodation, the group, the long weekend were all wonderful, and I felt very good. I am grateful for the help I received from you during and after both breathing sessions. I don't know how I would have reached the point (to this point) where I could release the feelings festering inside me in a safe and protective environment. I didn't see how I could bring these to the surface, express them, live through them, or rather, tame them and experience them safely. I owe so much to these four days.
    Like everyone, it's extremely difficult for me to face the monsters of my depths, much easier to push them back into the shadows. In fact, this pushing back is not even conscious, it's more like an automatic reflex. With your help, I am taming dragons, turning them into plow animals. While I let them control me, I caused a lot of pain to others and myself. This is the extreme of 'being crushed by unleashed passions.' Then, as a reaction, I over-braked them—and myself along with them—and in doing so, strangled my life force, my vital resources. This is the 'dragging along with repressed passions...' self-sabotage. I danced between these two extremes for many years.
    Moving from the second matrix to the third (everything tightens, but there is no way out—then there is a way out, but with work, you have to make your way out) was an astonishing task. Incredibly difficult, but a beautiful task—hard work. Thank you so much. As for the financials: I can't imagine a better, more useful way to spend the money I paid for these three nights and four days. I don't earn money easily, but I received far more than what these few days cost. (Even from a limited, materialistic, rational calculation, it was worth it, and from the perspective of a more expanded state of consciousness, there's no question it was worth it.) Thank you so much, I am very grateful for this long weekend! I'll see you again, I will definitely come back!

    — Márk
  • This was my first experience with GTT Holotropic Breathwork, so I didn't know what to expect. Beginning with my first email correspondence with the facilitators and continuing on throughout the whole weekend, I felt supported and welcome with all of my questions and impulses. My experiences as both a sitter and a breather were powerful, greatly empowering. I felt vulnerable, bare, yet strangely at home. The facilitators encouraged me, without pressuring, to go find the chinks in my armor, to go deeper, to feel fully and to express what needed to be expressed. I left the workshop feeling connected to myself, to the other participants and to the facilitators. I left feeling - and still do feel - that I have a place in this world, and the experience left me with great appreciation for the beauty and grace of the healing energies within all of us. I will definitely be back for more.
